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    Yantai Huaen Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
    Address: No. 11, Jinshajiang Road, Yantai Development Zone (Zhongchangxing Industrial Park)
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What should be paid attention to in the maintenance of the ton bag packaging scale?


What should be paid attention to in the maintenance of the ton bag packaging scale, how to reduce the maintenance cost, etc., I will give you a brief introduction today.

The first is to attach importance to the technological transformation of ton bag packaging scales; the economic foundation determines the superstructure, and market demand promotes the advancement of equipment. The same technological advancement also affects the market in turn, so the maintenance of equipment should pay attention to new technologies, new materials, and new processes. usage of. The application of new technology has obvious effects on improving the operational stability of the pellet packaging machine. Enterprises with severely aging equipment must make efforts in this regard especially, and pay attention to the technological transformation of equipment;

Second, to ensure the quality of the parts of the ton bag packaging scale; high-quality product accessories can help maintenance personnel quickly eliminate and improve the reliability of the entire system. The quality of spare parts is poor. Although cheap, equipment damage in the event of failure is immeasurable , The company should not be greedy for cheap products in the selection of products, it seems to save costs, but the actual situation is not the case;

Third, strengthen the management of maintenance parts; in the case of troubleshooting, it is not very accurate, and it is easy to change the wrong parts, leading to the waste of spare parts. We should establish a responsibility evaluation mechanism to use and maintain some individuals to promote the formation of a good company that saves resources .

If your particle quantitative packaging scale is faulty, analyze the fault. If it is a relatively simple fault, then you can directly deal with it. If the fault is more troublesome, it is recommended that the manufacturer maintain it or find a professional technician to maintain it to avoid the second failure.
