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    Yantai Huaen Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
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    Email: ythen001@163.com
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Solutions to the causes of problems with the ton bag packaging machine


Since the occurrence of the ton bag packaging machine, the labor and material resources in large quantities have been significantly reduced. In other words, the ton bag packaging machine can ease the packaging workload and at the same time improve work efficiency. However, if it is used for a period of time, it may cause some malfunctions. The different faults are caused by different reasons, so we must do a specific analysis specifically for the specific situation.

Later, we can formulate targeted solutions based on actual causes. Everyone knows that only by prescribing the right medicine can it recover quickly. For example, if it is found that the PLC of the ton bag packaging machine has no input, the main reasons included are: 1. The output data line of the controller is not plugged in; 2. The controller has no output; 3. The data line is damaged.

For the reasons mentioned above, we can formulate the corresponding methods as follows: 1. Reinsert the data cable of the big bag packaging machine; 2. Check and replace the controller; 3. Replace the data cable as soon as possible.

During operation, sometimes it is found that the solenoid valve of the big bag packaging machine has no signal. The main reasons include: PLC has no output, the PLC output system is damaged, the PLC is in the programming position, and the solenoid valve signal line is damaged.

For the reasons listed above, the corresponding methods we can formulate are: 1. Replace the PLC of the ton bag packaging machine as soon as possible; 2. Trim the PLC to a suitable working position; 3. Replace the signal line as soon as possible.

A more common phenomenon is that the cylinder of the big bag packaging machine suddenly fails to operate during the working process. The main reasons for this phenomenon are: PLC has no output, solenoid valve is damaged, cylinder or air pipe is damaged, wiring is faulty, etc. Then we can replace and repair it early.
