Yantai Huaen Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
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    Yantai Huaen Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
    Address: No. 11, Jinshajiang Road, Yantai Development Zone (Zhongchangxing Industrial Park)
    Sales Department Tel: 0535-6397784
    Mobile: 13688652827 (Manager Yu)
    Email: ythen001@163.com
    Website: http://www.yantaihuaen.com

Frequently Asked Questions about Packaging Scale Applications


Generally speaking, the applicationTon bag packaging scaleLater, it will remove the dust and residue contained in the machinery and equipment. In addition to preparing for the next application, it can have a good effect in equipment maintenance. In addition, be sure to maintain the application status of various modules on a regular basis, and avoid improvising applications. Otherwise, there will be a large weighing deviation. Therefore, in order to better guarantee the weighing quality and increase the service life of the packaging scale, the following precautions must be taken.


1. Ensure that the actual operation is in a relatively dry and natural environment with better natural ventilation, and no debris is allowed around the machinery and equipment.

2. The grounding protection operation of the packaging scale must be done well. When needed, instruments and meters are very prone to electrostatic induction. If it cannot be removed immediately, it is very easy to damage the machinery and equipment.

3. Do a good job in sun protection and moisture-proof solutions. When the sun immediately shines on the colorful surface of the machinery and equipment, it is very easy to damage the machinery and equipment. If the relative humidity is high, it will also corrode the machinery and equipment. Therefore, in the entire process of specific applications, we must pay more attention to those aspects.

4. The medical equipment of the ton bag packaging scale is also the key to everyone's maintenance. If the equipment is hit or dropped, it is likely to damage the equipment. The equipment is very sensitive. To put it simply, no matter what kind of equipment is used, maintenance needs to be done well.